Evaluation Services

Residential Services

Outpatient Services

Evaluation Services

If you are seeking addiction treatment services or have been court ordered to complete an evaluation, New Freedom Center offers Substance Use Disorder Assessments. Evaluations may be scheduled by contacting New Freedom Center during business hours Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.

The Evaluation is completed by meeting individually with a Licensed Addiction Counselor. The Counselor will complete a comprehensive assessment by gathering information about many different areas of your life including a history of your alcohol and drug use. A urine analysis test may be completed as a part of the evaluation process. The counselor will review the recommendations of the assessment with you. If you are seeking treatment for a substance use disorder we will be able to assist you with admission into the appropriate level of treatment that is recommended.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Voucher

Residential Services

Residential services at New Freedom Center treat substance use disorders with a holistic approach. In our residential setting, guests receive a variety of services to assist with recovery in the physical, the spiritual and the psychological aspects of their lives. Services are offered by specialized professional staff that understands and empathizes with the struggles of recovering from an addiction. Residential treatment takes place on a 24/7 basis with constant support available. Each guest’s length of stay is determined based upon individual needs.

Outpatient Services

Outpatient services may be appropriate for you if you are able to remain abstinent throughout your treatment program while living at home.  Our Outpatient Services include: 

Day Treatment: Day Treatment programming consists of Group Therapy sessions Monday - Friday from 10am-3pm.  Group therapy sessions are facilitated by a Licensed Addiction Counselor.  While involved in this level of programming individuals attend sessions all five days each week.  Each client’s length of treatment is determined based upon individual needs.

Intensive Outpatient:  Intensive Outpatient Treatment consists of Group Therapy sessions Monday from 6pm-9pm, Wednesday from 6pm-9pm, and Thursday from 6pm-9m.  Group therapy sessions are facilitated by a Licensed Addiction Counselor. While involved in this level of treatment individuals attend sessions all three evenings each week.  Each client’s length of treatment is determined based upon individual needs.

Low Intensive Outpatient Treatment:  Low Intensive Outpatient Treatment consists of individual therapy sessions scheduled with a Licensed Addiction Counselor typically lasting one hour per session. The frequency and total number of sessions for the program is determined upon individual needs.

Aftercare:  Aftercare treatment is typically recommended after transitioning through more intensive levels of care first and consists of a group therapy sessions on Tuesday 6pm-7:30pm.  Group therapy sessions are facilitated by a Licensed Addiction Counselor.  The aftercare program focuses on recovery maintenance and relapse prevention skills.  Individuals attend group sessions on a weekly basis.  This program is typically 12 sessions; however, the length of treatment may last longer if appropriate to address individual needs.